Vino for Our Vets Food Drive & Fundraiser 2021
Vino for Our Vets Food Drive & Fundraiser 2021
For the past seven years, our Vino for our Vets food drive and fundraiser has been an integral part of Grapenuts' community outreach. We are excited to announce that Veteran’s Residential Services of Wilson (VRSW) will once again be the recipient of our efforts this year. We will be switching things up a bit this year, and instead of an in-person wine tasting and auction, we have decided to go virtual!
While Grapenuts (and many other small businesses) will still be a drop-off location for non-perishable items, the silent auction will be online this year. If you donate a full bag of non-perishables, you are entered into a raffle for a bottle of Pierre Moncuit Grand Cru Champagne! The auction is live, and features many different items donated by many other small businesses listed below.
Grapenuts will also be hosting a raffle for a 2015 bottle of Opus One! ($400 value) The link to purchase your raffle ticket(s) are below.
List of participating businesses/donors include:
Epiphany Wine Co
Empire Distributing
*denotes drop off location
Veterans Residential Services of Wilson (VRSW) is a 501 (c) 3 private non-profit agency dedicated to providing quality support and services to its low-income Veterans with the goal of residential stability in the community of Wilson, NC. You can find more info and donate directly at vrsw.org